NEUROTRANSMITTERS are messenger chemicals in neurons (nerve cells) . They exist at the end of the sending part of a neuron and make impulses travel from one nerve cell to the next. These impulses direct the many functions in your body.
YOUR BRAIN has of hundreds of millions of neurons. Different neurotransmitters exist for different types of messages.
PSYCHIATRIC DRUGS ARE CHEMICALS that have been designed to cross the blood-brain barrier—move from the blood stream into the brain. This barrier is otherwise what protects the brain from toxins. Once in the brain, these drugs produce profound changes in neurotranmission.
DURING WITHDRAWAL FROM PSYCHIATRIC DRUGS, it is important that your body gets the nutrients it needs to restore normal neurotransmission.
See also:
There are more than 60 known neurotransmitters. These include:
SEROTONIN is a key brain chemical that signals calming and soothing effects. A serotonin deficiency can cause insomnia, moodiness, feelings of insecurity and a low tolerance of stress. Specific nutrients that increase serotonin production are Omega 3, tryptophan (or 5HTP), B vitamins, vitamin D3 and DHEA.
NOREPINEPHRINE is used to signal vigilance and alertness. Feelings of panic can be an indicator of an excess of this neurotransmittor. This is sometimes caused by a serotonin deficiency. A deficiency in norepinephrine itself usually manifests itself as exhaustion, lack of focus, cravings and excessive hunger. Your body makes norepinephrine from the amino acid phenylalanine.
GLUTAMATE is the neurotransmittor the body uses to heighten brain activity. It works together with GABA. Glutamate and GABA account most of the brain's activity.
GABA is used to send impulses to slow brain activity and balance the effects of excessive glutamate. Feelings of anxiety can indicate that neurons are producing too little GABA. Nutrients that boost GABA include theanine, taurine, NAC, B vitamins, zinc and magnesium, as well as GABA itself.
DOPAMINE is the pleasure neurotransmitter. It also improves circulation in the brain. Fatigue, feelings of apathy and decreased libido can be symptoms of low dopamine. Nutrients that target dopamine production include B vitamins, Omega 3 and the amino acid theanine.
DRUG WITHDRAWAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION is a nonprofit organization that researches and publishes information about effective methods to withdraw from medication and drugs. Statements, information and products mentioned are for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information has not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. Consult a health-care professional before using any information provided. The foundation does not advocate or recommend to discontinue any medication. The foundation recommends that any program to taper off a medication should be supervised by a qualified medical doctor. Copyright © 2013 by DRUG WITHDRAWAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION, 334 West 57th Street #343, New York, NY 10019. Web: Email:
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